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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Most of the shadows in our life are created by us standing in our own sunlight. - Ralph Waldo Emerson. 
Why is it that most of us see the tiny black smudge on the paper and overlook the crisp whiteness of the rest of the page? Why do we squander our time  waiting for opportunity to knock on our doors instead of taking the initiative? Is it true that life is all about doing the right thing at the right time?
No, there is more to life than that. It matters not whether you have a fat paycheck, but that you can spare a penny for the needy. Not that everyone laughs at your jokes, but that you bring a smile on someone's face. Not that you have years of experience and can do a better job, but that you can make a difference. You are not defined by your color, creed, race or sex. You are defined by your choices, your thoughts and actions, your strength to make lemonade when life hands you lemons.
Easier said than done, but all it takes is some effort. For those who know, there's a song by Fort Minor, that goes, "This is ten percent luck, fifteen percent skill, twenty percent concentrated power of will, five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain and a hundred percent reason to remember the name". Each of us is unique, with a completely different set of skills and abilities. Our talent is God's gift to us, and how well we use it is our gift back to God. Our life is a continuous process of creating an image that best describes us - our emotions, our choices, our likes and dislikes...
So, stop blaming others, start taking responsibility and make a difference - a good one. Let people know you chose to be who you are, and are proud of it. Ensure that someone's life is brightened by your existence. After all, a life well lived is best described as one whose memory brings a smile onto a person's face.

Haath ki lakeer ko, modta marodta hai honsla..

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